Thursday, May 21, 2009

HOLY SHIT! We're going on tour!


Hope everyone on the west coast is ready! We're going to swim and hike and eat DQ and drink homemade mead and HAVE SO MUCH FUN playing music for you!

Here's what's new in our world:
1. We're getting some sweet shirts made! Bunch of colors.

2. The test press of belle, our upcomming 7" release on Let's Pretend Records, is almost ready and we'll have a limited number of them to sell to folks on tour before the "official" release in June.

3. We hand painted/printed a bunch of sweet CD cases and will be selling super cheap CDRs of the belle 7" for those of you who fear analog sound.

4. We've been writing awesome new material at a feverish pace.

5. We've all developed diabetes from excessive DQ sunday and blizzard consumption. Seriously, half of David's diet is DQ soft serve. HE NEEDS HELP!


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